Now in its thirteenth year GAWDA Gives Back continues to support local charities in the Annual Convention host city. The program has raised over one million dollars since it began and has impacted thousands of lives. This year’s President Bryan Keen has selected two charities from the Colorado Springs area as the recipients of the 2012 GAWDA Gives Back Campaign, The Peak Parent Center and Partners in (hope and) Housing. We hit the ground running this year with a Silent Auction at the SMC. The Silent Auction, which usually takes place at the Gettysburg region meeting, was held at the SMC because Gettysburg is scheduled after the Annual Convention this year. Over $18,000 was raised, so we’re off to a great start.
Peak Parent Center
The mission of PEAK Parent Center is to provide training, information and technical assistance to equip families of children birth through twenty-six including all disability conditions with strategies to advocate successfully for their children.
As a result of PEAK’s services to families and professionals, children and adults with disabilities will live rich, active lives participating as full members of their schools and communities.[clear]
Partners in Housing
The mission of Partners In Housing is to provide homeless families with children the hope and opportunity to achieve self-sufficiency through supportive services and transitional housing.
To achieve this mission, we provide homeless families and individuals with up to two years of transitional housing, during which time they also participate in intensive supportive services, including case management, life skills training, and budget counseling.
We thank you in advance for your donations to these worthy charities!